Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 17

Here I am again. Today, school was overall okay. Math was fun again, but a little less so - not that it was bad. It's just hard to measure up to yesterday.

I also had Thai dance today, which was a disaster. It was so hard and so painful, and everyone else knew the steps already, and did them so quickly - the hand signals were second nature to them. Not to me. And there's words we have to say, too. It was for two hours. In the first hour, Adjan Sumlee was there and she helped a bit, but during the second, she was gone. I had been near to the tear-zone even while she was there. Once she left, I was dangerously close. They (students and teacher) spoke almost no English, and the teacher especially seemed to think that if she spoke louder, slower, and directly in my face, I would understand. It was terrible. I don't want to go back.

After that, on the verge of tears, I had to endure catcalls (possibly compliments) and people wanting to shake my hand, and I was waiting for a friend who didn't come. Then I finally went to lunch and sat with fun people, at least two of whom were on diets, which made me think (again) about how unhappy I am with my body. I don't approve of diets, but I will do something, I think.

Then I had free periods and played 9 games of Freecell (won 8) and read some of The Golden Compass (which, incidentally, is still brilliant) and then went to an English class. I had fun there.

Then I came home and went to the stadium and ran - a lot. I checked my email, but I didn't get anything from C, which made me sad. However, I did get an actual letter from her (that I'm not sure if it's a birthday thing or not, so I'll wait to open it) and one from CM as well. I'm going to read the latter right now.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I FINALLY had the chance to read these last 5 posts! I didn't read them earlier because I wanted to make sure that I read them with the appropriate amount of concentration, not with my mind wandering around and worrying about finals, and papers, and packing, and moving. But so far-- your entries are still brilliant! I love reading them-- it's like I'm right there with you, living this experience with you. It makes me happy. I miss you, but this makes me feel closer to you, in a way. :)

    And you're an AMAZING writer! If I haven't told you that already then it is because I knew that you were, and thus assumed that I had mentioned it at some point already! But who knows if I actually did or not. ;)

    I love you, and keep updating this! I can't wait to read the next entry!
